Monthly Archives: May 2015

Early intervention key to men’s mental health efforts – All In The Mind – ABC Radio National (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Early intervention key to men’s mental health efforts – All In The Mind – ABC RN.

‘Major social risk factors to do with social marginalisation, deprivation and social defeats: these wider social forces, as well as being potentially a disadvantage in themselves, are actually major risk factors,’ he (Professor Max Birchwood) says. ‘These very powerful social experiences that these young people have at 14, rather than being early signs of disorder, they are actually risk factors for later development.’

Birchwood, who has pioneered the strategy of intervening at the earliest signs of psychosis, wants to ensure the best possible future outcomes for young people. ‘The most important thing is to give these kids important social opportunities,’ he says

Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime | A blog about drugs

Sleeplessness help here…

Resources | Developing Open Dialogue Thanks to Val Jackson!

52ND MAUDSLEY DEBATE: MORE HARM THAN GOOD? – YouTube This House believes long-term use of psychiatric medication does more harm than good.